October 24, 2003, Newsletter Issue #117: Halloween Safety

Tip of the Week

Play the Halloween Saftey Game, where you can learn Halloween safety and have fun while doing it. Go to http://www.halloweenmagazine.com/play.html to play!

Here`s a list of Halloween Safety Tips for trick-or-treaters. Go to http://www.sosnet.com/safety/halloween.tip.html for your list.

For a Halloween Safety Guide, go to http://www.halloween-safety.com/ and check it out.

National Safety Council has a checklist at http://www.nsc.org/library/facts/haloween.htm - this is a GREAT in-depth list for EVERYONE!

Go to http://www.redcross.org/services/hss/tips/october/octtips.html to check out the list from the American Red Cross.

I`m sure that there are tons more, but these cover just about everything that you need to know. Remember, it`s better to be safe than sorry!!! But don`t forget to have fun!!!

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