July 26, 2002, Newsletter Issue #52: Bartering

Tip of the Week

Do you have a product or a skill that someone else might need or want? Have you ever thought of bartering? This way, both parties get what they want or need without having to pay for it. Itīs a win-win situation.

You don`t need to have your own business to barter, you just need a skill that others might need or want. For instance you could barter babysitting services, sewing or knitting, painting, crafts, tutoring and more. This is a great way to save money.

My husband and I saved almost $2,000 on our wedding this past April from bartering. He has his own business, so it was easier for us to start bartering, but don`t be afraid to find out if you can barter with companies.

Not sure how to start? Well, the first thing that you should do is make a list of all of the skills that you have that you could use to barter with. Then, make a list of things that you need or want. Once you`ve done that start contacting companies to see if they will barter. Ask the owner, not an employee. Start with smaller companies, as they are more apt to make a barter deal. Mass merchants, such as Wal-Mart, are not able to do something like that.

Here are some websites to check out for more information:

http://www.barter.net (soon to be the home of the OBA - The Online Barter Association)

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