August 2, 2002, Newsletter Issue #53: Got Freebies?

Tip of the Week

These freebies have been checked by a friend of mine prior to them being put in this newsletter. For those of you that aren`t familiar with freebies, the good ones don`t last, so they could have been pulled any time between the time I put them in here, to the time that you read this newsletter. So if a freebie is no longer valid, it just means that it was such a good deal that everyone jumped on it before you had the chance. Don`t worry, there are plenty of freebies to go around. I try to put some at the end of each newsletter for you too. Here are the freebies:

Free can of baby formula. Call 1-800-538-9802. Seen on TV
Another free can of baby formula. Call 1-800-864-9652.
Seen in American Baby magazine.
$50 off towards two main courses Monday Through
Saturday. Dinner After 8pm Valid only in New York City.
Restaurant Associates.
Test drive the Outlander and get the Mitsubishi Mix
music CD and a $15 gas card. Also enters you into the
sweepstakes. Mitsubishi - Outlander
Free Rolaids and coupon. Call 1-800-ROLAIDS
Sign up for the Nutrition Club to get a bunch of freebies. People who signed up for this in May and June got over $200
worth of full-sized products.
Free subscription to MSFocus magazine - about multiple
schlerosis. Published quarterly. The Multiple Sclerosis Foundation - Mailing List
Free self heating container for your drinks. NOTE: There is a section that asks for your company name. If you do not have one, you must type in self, or the form won`t go through.

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