November 21, 2003, Newsletter Issue #121: Thanksgiving Traditions

Tip of the Week

Here are some Thanksgiving traditions to try (some are new, and some have been around for a while).

1) When you invite your guests to your Thanksgiving meal, ask them to think about something that they are thankful for. This will give them the time to think about it, and not be put on the spot when you go around the table and have everyone say what they`re thankful for.

2) Make a Thankful Thanksgiving wreath. Use constructions paper, trace your hand, and cut it out. Have everyone write something that they`re thankful for on a hand, and then make a wreath out of it.

3) Get a nice tablecloth (light-colored) and have everyone write what they`re thankful for on the tablecloth. Keep this going every year. Use different colored markers for each guest. Or, if you don`t have enough colored markers for that, have everyone use the same colored marker for that year, a different one for next year, etc. You`ll want to put a clear plastic "tablecloth" on top of this one so that you don`t ruin it.

4) Have everyone write down what they`re thankful for on one side of a piece of paper, and put their name on the other side. Have everyone put their piece of paper into something (hat, jar, container, etc.). Then have someone pull out each piece of paper and read it out loud for everyone to guess who wrote it.

I hope that these ideas are helpful! I also hope that all of you have a great Thanksgiving!!!

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