September 19, 2003, Newsletter Issue #112: Protect Your Computer AND Your Wallet

Tip of the Week

If you are on the internet, you should have virus protection for your computer. If you don`t, you`re computer could get a virus. My computer got a virus, before I had virus protection. I can tell you that it cost me a lot of time and money to get it fixed, so that I could be up and running again. Therefore, to save yourself time and money, you should really invest in virus protection. I used to have Norton AntiVirus, but a virus slipped through their system and almost damaged my computer. After that incident, which was recent, I switched to McAfee. I guess that I decided that if AOL and MSN use McAfee to do a virus scan on the e-mails sent through them, that McAfee must be a great program. I only wish that I had them all along!

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