March 5, 2004, Newsletter Issue #136: Get Paid to Read Your E-Mail AND Virus Warning

Tip of the Week

Getting paid to read e-mails is an easy way to earn some extra cash. In order to make money, you need to get a lot of e-mails - but who wants to get more e-mails than their regular e-mails and all of the SPAM? If you want to earn the money, you`ll need to find a way to do so.

If you use AOL, I would suggest setting up a new screen name just for these types of e-mails. This is what I have done. Now I know that the e-mails that are in this account are for the get paid to read e-mail programs. This is an easy way to sort these out.

If you don`t use AOL, or another e-mail provider that lets you do something similar, I would suggest going to Hotmail or Yahoo and signing up for a free account. Use this account for these get paid to read e-mail programs.

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