April 2, 2004, Newsletter Issue #140: Easter Savings

Tip of the Week

1) Don`t forget to check to see if you were smart after last Easter and bought some items at the post-Easter sales. Otherwise, you may purchase duplicates, which woudn`t be saving you any money at all.

2) Wait `til the last minute, if you can, to purchase items that you`d like to get for this year, but aren`t necessary. This will more than likely make you a) make sure that you really need/want this particular item before you buy it; and b) get some better savings because most items will be marked down to their lowest pre-Easter prices.

3) Plastic eggs are great to use for Easter egg hunts. They are not only inexpensive and easy to recycle, but if you forget where you hid one, you won`t have a bad smell to deal with later on (LOL!). What can you put in the plastic Easter eggs? Some people put quarters inside, others put small candy or toys inside, and some put "coupons" good for an extra hour of TV or play-time and things like that.

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