Make Your Own Baby Food

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How can I make my own baby food?

Make Your Own Baby Food

Baby food can be very expensive so why not make your own? Freeze small portions of applesauce, mashed bananas or any other fruits or vegetables. Run them through a grinder or blender first. Freeze them in ice cube trays, pop out and store in freezer bags. A lot healthier for baby too.



6/15/2007 7:09:39 PM
Kristin said:

Bananas turn brown when frozen.

Also, I buy the baby carrots when they are on sale in bulk. Run them in the blender w/water. Freeze in ice cube trays. Use as baby food, add to fruit/yogurt smoothies (this is a way I sneak sweet veggies in my toddler and infants diet), use in carrot cake recipes. Much cheaper than prepared baby food.


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