Save on Over-the-Counter Products

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How can I save on over-the-counter products?

Save on Over-the-Counter Products

Go to to see how you can save on over-the-counter products. Here, you can find all natural product versions of Tyleno, Advil, and much, much more! You can also get Valerin, which is a great product to take for muscle pain/spasms, tension, stress, headaches, cramps and more! not sure if you'll love Valerin like I do, try their free sample! (Scroll down the page until you see the blue link VALERIN FREE SAMPLE. You will be taken to another screen that tells you more about the product, and how to get the free sample. The free sample is 6 tablets that will be mailed to you. This free sample is totally free, and does come - that's how I got started with Valerin).



11/1/2006 9:04:50 AM
Trish said:

Walmart stores have generic Equate brand versions of common over the counter medicines...pain medicines like tylenol/aspirin/advil as well as liquid medicines and bandaids and just about anything. Read label ingredients and active ingredient lists and compare to find the right Equate brand bottle for what you're looking for.


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