Cancelled Stamps for Donation

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Cancelled Stamps for Donation

Cancelled stamps from the post office, only the stamp, not the part with the date, are somehow used as money to help purchase school buses in under developed countries. Not sure of the entire process, but this is why the Auxiliary collects them. Please mail them to Amvet's Post 208, Ladies Auxiliary, 5 South Street, Hudson, MA 01749 and mention the name Deirdre so that they know how you heard about them.



3/19/2007 7:00:54 PM
winston said:


12/18/2007 1:52:43 PM
Philip D. Rossman said:

I try to discard nothing usfull to anyone. I am delighted that the Ladies Auxillary is accepting. The cost of my stamp to mail may exceed the value of the stamps, but i will send.
Do you have a 'tip' on anyone saving the 'points' on Gold Medal Flour bags and such? I do not like to discard them if they have a good use. What about the 'pull tabs' on soft drink cans. Are they being collected?

1/18/2008 8:22:24 AM
sandra darcy said:

Are you still collecting stamps?


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