Guestbook Idea

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What is a different approach to a guest book?

Guestbook Idea

At you will find a guestbook idea that I used for my wedding.



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7/31/2006 6:13:38 PM
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8/1/2006 2:54:47 PM
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8/29/2006 12:45:18 PM
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6/28/2007 12:40:38 AM
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12/9/2008 12:28:22 PM
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12/16/2008 2:33:00 PM
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12/17/2008 3:02:53 AM
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1/3/2009 5:53:12 AM
Advethyhide said:

(CNN) -- A journalist with an Iraqi television network threw shoes at -- but missed --
Bush had been lauding the conclusion of a security pact with Iraq as journalists looked on.
Hurling shoes at someone,

1/22/2009 10:38:20 PM
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